Michael Angelika spends day and night at the darkroom of the photo lab, indulging in her hobby. The lady has already gone through several phases of her photography career: First, she photographed the children in the Tenderloin kindergarten, then came what I call the vegetable period: still lifes of radishes, cauliflower, and similar subjects, arranged in hours-long sessions with changing lighting conditions, captured according to the latest insights in photography technology -- unfortunately, I can't say much more about it, as I'm just a dumb software engineer.
Then followed, for a course, people in the city, which is very exciting in San Francisco, as all skin colors are truly represented. Currently, it's back to arranged still life pictures again, the latest trend being compositions with eggs and pencils. I still like the pictures from the kindergarten, but the lady artist gets furious when you bring up the past phases of her career. Soon, her works will be exhibited in the halls of the university, and she's already quite excited, and I have to attend the opening, oh dear... I am enclosing three pictures from her opus: Three Little Rascals from the kindergarten, the still life of pencils with an egg, and a self-portrait -- of course, run through a printer and copier, as the lady artist emphasizes, not to be compared with the originals, but still!