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This website is a non-commercial publication by Michael and Angelika Schilli. It is dubbed "USA Rundbrief", "Rundbrief" being the German word for "circulated newsletter".

Both authors were born, raised, and schooled in Germany, and after having worked six years for German companies, in 1996, they felt an adventurous itch and decided to move to the United States. They planned for a year, but they happened to fall in love with the city of San Francisco and stayed there.

Topics covered here are typical struggles of European immigrants, and everyday American occurrences which sometimes sound absurd or hilarious when examined by open-minded Europeans. No topic is considered to be too cheap, too stupid, or too embarrassing.

New editions of this publication usually are released every other month (give or take a month, depending on how busy/lazy the authors are). If you want to get notified by email when the new release is ready, please subscribe to the Google Group List. The list is used exclusively for announcements of new editions (no other discussions), so traffic is limited to one email every two months. Also, we guarantee to keep your email private.

Enjoy, and let us know if you like it!


Michael Schilli
Angelika Schilli


Unless stated otherwise, you may use this site's content, even commercially, under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.