Perl Power
Michael My book "Perl Power," which has been lingering in the bookstores of English-speaking countries since January, is enjoying increasing popularity. More and more often, people at Netscape pass by my cubicle and want me to sign their copy, which I am, of course, happy to do. Whenever we pass by a bookstore on our weekend outings, I naturally have to take a look inside -- and check if they have "Perl Power." Usually, there are two or three copies somewhere, which I quickly place in the "Book of the Week" shelves when no one is looking. If you don't take care of everything yourself... Recently, I received, no kidding, an email from a Mr. McKenzie from Reykjavik, Iceland, who complained that one of the programs printed in the book wasn't working for him. Probably a power outage in the igloo... no, he just hadn't installed a module correctly.