Speaking American with the Pros
Michael And starting with this newsletter, we are launching a new series: Learn to Speak American with the pros! With each newsletter, we will introduce three words or phrases that are typically American and are guaranteed not to be taught in any school in Germany. Exclusively in the newsletter. Let's get started: When something extraordinarily bizarre happens, you say "That's a doozy!" (pronounced: "Duhsie"). The word is said to originate from "Duesenberg," a luxury car from the 1920s and 1930s. A word that I personally find super funny is "Geezer" (pronounced: "Gieser"). It means something like "odd old codger." When I'm sitting at a table with people who are all 30 or younger, I say, "Looks like I'm the geezer here!" And number three: "I got ripped off! I got screwed!" means: I got swindled. That's it for today from the American everyday lexicon. I probably don't need to say that you should use these terms very carefully, as this is very colloquial English that you shouldn't use in job interviews, for example. Have fun with it! Now it's time for Angelika, who has once broken down how it works with the visa and the Green Card in America!