07/03/2023   English German

  Edition # 149  
San Francisco, 07-03-2023

Figure [1]: The 700,000 Dollar Earth Roamer RV

Michael Americans love to cruise around in huge recreational vehicles (RV) on the freeways, park it at a campsite in the evening, and then expect to find all the comforts of home.

The luxury of "glamping" (for "glamorous camping") is also defined by the spaciousness of the vehicle used, with motorhomes up to 15 meters in length not being uncommon, and some even offering extendable side walls that can turn the interior into a loft-style living space.

Figure [2]: RV Park at the Beach in Los Angeles

Recently, when I was taking a walk with an ex-colleague through San Francisco, I noticed an unusual monster RV parked in front of a luxury villa that looked like a mix of a military spy tank and an American school bus (Figure 1). My ex-colleague, an admitted car enthusiast, immediately knew that it was a so-called "Earth-Roamer", an insanely expensive luxury RV.

Figure [3]: A mix of American truck and reconnaissance tank.

So I immediately took a picture of it and when I got home, I swiftly looked it up online -- and was shocked. I knew that RV enthusiasts were willing to spend $200,000 for a rolling living room, but the Earth Roamer is more than three times as expensive: the base price is $695,000, and with some extras, the rustic glamping mobile already costs close to a million.

The chassis of the vehicle consists of the most popular American monster truck, the Ford F-550, of course off-road capable with hydraulics, including a classic engine winch in the front, if it gets tough. And of course you can't skimp on the interior. In a Demo-Video for the Earth-Roamer on Youtube the layman can marvel at the dining table set featuring distressed leather seats and extremely solid looking cupboards made from expensive wood.

Figure [4]: On the website, potential customers can configure their dream motorhome.

Whoever thinks that such a vehicle can't possibly be so expensive, can take a look at the Earthroamer pricelist online. Look at the website and start saving. Once again, it is confirmed that there is a significant number of people in San Francisco who are so flush with money that it starts burning a hole in their pockets. Well, if you already have a house for six million, you might just as well get an outdoor RV for a million. You only live once.

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