12/20/2022   English German

  Edition # 146  
San Francisco, 12-20-2022

Figure [1]: Angelika at her photo exhibition.

Angelika I have been part of a photography collective in San Francisco for decades. A highlight is always when we organize a group exhibition. This year in October it was time again. I showed two of my collages. The theme of the exhibition was "The New World". Sandra Phillips, who had worked for years as a curator in the photography department of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, chose the theme and put together a show from our works. The theme was how the world has changed through Covid. The show was on display from October 22 to November 19 at a gallery of the "Minnesota Street Projects", a conglomerate of various galleries under one roof, located in the so-called "Dogpatch" district in San Francisco. I designed my collages by cutting apart old photos I had taken previously and putting them back together.

Greetings from San Francisco

Angelika and Michael

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