Michael And there is also news to report from the production mill of the tireless Michael S.: The reach of German books is inevitably limited to German-speaking countries, and as is well known, I want to bombard the whole world with my products. So it was very convenient for me to hear from the UK branch of publisher Addison-Wesley that they were interested in translating my German book into English and launching it on the world market. No sooner said than done: A translator received the book via email, worked on it for a month, and finally sent back the result. I reviewed it, made corrections here and there, sent it back, and after a few rounds, the final result was ready: It will be in stores at the end of January. I have already received 6 sample copies and have given most of them to my colleagues at AOL. You can also order it from the largest bookstore on the Internet, Amazon: Go to amazon.com and enter "schilli" in the search field -- and you'll be beamed to the right place. It's quite strange to read my text in English -- but hey, if it brings money in... and my declared life goal is, as is well known, for my book to one day be in the bookstore of Stanford University. That could happen soon, then we'll go there with the camera...