"You've got Mail"
Michael Back in San Francisco, we watched the latest movie: "You've Got Mail," starring Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. The funny thing about it is that the whole film revolves around how the two meet and like each other on the internet, and since everything is anonymous there, they don't realize that they also know each other in real life--and can't stand each other there. And they use AOL, as you can see repeatedly in the scenes! AOL is, for those of you who are a bit slow, the company I work for, and accordingly, I'm familiar with the "You've got mail!" phrase from daily work, as that's what the computer says when you turn it on and have new emails. Since I receive about 50 emails a day, I hear it quite often. Anyway, the movie is quite funny, and if you're technology-averse yetis who still use pens, typewriters, and other antique devices, you absolutely must watch it to learn how things work nowadays and all that.