Planning a Visit to Germany
Angelika So, now it's my turn. Michael keeps writing and writing, I can't get a word in! First of all, I want to inform you that I have actually managed to book a flight to Germany. I will be flying out on January 15th and will stay until February 12th. A four-week visit to Germany sounds incredibly long, but experience shows that four weeks are just flying by. As it stands now, I will be doing a little tour around Germany to see as many of you as possible. Since this is a major organizational effort for me, I would be very grateful if you could help me organize meet-ups. I fear that time will be too short to visit each of you individually. Therefore, it would be great if we could arrange group gatherings, if possible.
The problem is also that I need to go to Frankfurt to the American consulate to get a new visa stamp in my passport. I have to deal with this annoying bureaucratic matter because Michael switched to AOL some time ago, but we still have the Blacksun stamp from the old company in our passports. The guidelines of the American immigration authorities stipulate that you can only get this stamp if you leave America (please don't ask me why that is). However, I need the stamp to be able to re-enter. I will spare you the nerve-wracking process of reaching the consulate in Frankfurt. Long story short, I managed to make an appointment in Frankfurt, and since our friend Britta decided to move to Frankfurt and will grant me asylum (thanks, Britta!), the whole thing has a silver lining. I can visit Britta and take care of the visa stuff at the same time. What I actually wanted to say is that I have to plan my Germany tour around this appointment. So far, my plans are as follows:
I will land in Bremen on January 16th and then stay with my parents in Oldenburg. On January 20th, I will head to Münster in the evening, where I will stay with my friend Christa. I will stay there until January 23rd. On Saturday, January 23rd, I will leave early for Frankfurt. I have an appointment at the consulate on January 25th. On January 26th, I will set off for Augsburg/Munich. I plan to visit Bavaria for 8 days, then return to Oldenburg, where I will stay until February 12th. Hope this makes sense! Changes are, of course, possible. If anyone wants to reach me in Germany, it's best to call my parents. My parents usually know where I am, so they can help you if you don't remember where I am at any given time.