11/08/2015   English German

  Edition # 113  
San Francisco, 11-08-2015

Figure [1]: A box with two layers of Macademia nut chocolate truffles won't last as long as you might think.

Michael Recently, at Costco, I discovered that they had two-packs of the "Hawaiian Host" macademia nut chocolate truffles on sale, and couldn't help but buy one immediately. Sweet, sweet memories of one of our first Hawaii vacations dating almost twenty years back! I vividly remember how we arrived at our vacation rental back then from the airport, how we opened the the screen door and kept watching the ceiling fans rotating slowly. A nice breeze cooled the appartment, and while inspecting our new quarters, we opened the fridge and found a box of exactly these "Hawaiian Host" chocolate truffles.

Figure [2]: Macademia nuts, covered in a thick layer of milk chocolate.

Now, as you're probably aware, I'm no friend of cheap sweets and for the longest time, none of us touched the pack in the fridge. But eventually, we got curious, opened it, and tried some of the milk chocolate pieces, each coating two macademia nuts. If you've never had a macademia nut before, it can best be described by the fact that it desintegrates into a thousand small pieces if you bite on it, and the pieces start swirling around in your mouth, spreading a mild nutty flavor, which is often also salty when the nuts were sprinkeled with salt grain. It's quite the experience!

And in case of "Hawaiian Host", the milk chocolate takes the experience yet to another level. I usually put one of those big chocolate pieces in my mouth and let it melt for about two minutes with very little movement, and when the chocolate is all gone, I then bite into the now free floating Macademia nuts. It's incredible! If you see Hawaiian Host for sale at a supermarket near you, by all means, buy a pack immediately, because that's possibly an unbelievable coincidence, as the product is usually sold exclusively on the Hawaiian islands.

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