03/19/2005   English German

  Edition # 54  
San Francisco, 03-19-2005

Figure [1]: Coldplay - "A Rush of Blood to the Head"

Michael Although already two years old and from Great Britain, I only recently discovered it and was enthralled: Coldplay's second album (after "Parachute"), "A Rush of Blood to the Head" strikes a quiet tone, but the melodies stick in your head: Recently I kept humming the refrain of "Politik" for an entire day. The tune reminds me of the band "The Alan Parson's Project" which I used to appreciate a lot, although you "No-Dialtoners" probably don't know what that is. By the way, in the U.S., "No-Dialtoners" are people who were born around 1990 and have never heard the dial tone on the phone because they only use mobile phones where there is no dial tone. Should I admit that I even remember that there used to be no continuous tone when you picked up the receiver, but rather an intermittent beep? Ugh, ugh, my bones!

Otherwise, I'm listening to "Depeche Mode" day and night. During the eighties, I always thought they were too commercial, but nowadays I find songs like "World in Your Eyes" simply stunning. And even "New Order" is being played on the radio all the time now. And recently, there's are all of these new remixes coming out, they seem to be the hit in the discotheques, but unfortunately I'm already too old for that. I'd rather not be greeted by "Hey, what's the grandpa doing here?"

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