Bush vs. Schröder
Angelika I was surprised by how much the German newspapers reported on the "poisoned atmosphere" between Bush and Schröder due to their differing views on the Iraq war. Some comments, especially in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, which I usually hold in high regard, were so pro-Bush that I mentally composed several letters to the editor and wondered what was going on in the Süddeutsche Zeitung's editorial office.
Of course, it is wrong for Schröder to oppose Bush solely to win an election campaign. One should also be wary of blind anti-Americanism. However, with Bush's foreign policy, one wishes that not only Schröder's alarm bells would ring, but also those of other European politicians. After all, Bush recently presented a document to the public in which preventive military strikes are approved as a legitimate measure and the military dominance of the USA is henceforth considered untouchable. I always thought that the old guard, namely Bush, Rumsfeld, and Cheney, behaved towards Germany like teenagers: first, they threaten us, and if we don't comply, they withdraw in a huff and sulk. It's pure puppet theater.
Greetings to you guys over there!
Angelika and Michael