06/01/1997   English German

  Edition # 3  
San Francisco, den 06-01-1997

Figure [1]: At the beach on Kauai.

Angelika After these uncertain and exciting times, we spontaneously decided to fly to Hawaii for a week. We had chosen the island of Kauai, as it is not so touristy. And it was really paradise: long white sand beaches, great weather, an ocean with warm water and good waves, lush green vegetation, a fantastic landscape, a nice hotel and friendly islanders. Michael of course tried surfing, but failed at the waves, which frustrated him especially since the twelve-year-old boys took the waves with ease. I, on the other hand, was glad that I didn't have to call David Hasselhof from Baywatch to rescue him. And I tell you, it sometimes looked pretty dangerous when Michael was thrown around by the waves.

Figure [2]: Gebirgsformation auf Kauai: Der Waimea Canyon

Figure [3]: Nebel zieht auf

Figure [4]: Laster einer Zuckerrohrverarbeitungsfabrik

Figure [5]: Auch auf Kauai: Stommast mit Landschaft
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