Michael And once again, we have a top product in our newsletter! Today: the juices from the company SoBe. No, that's not a sharp "ß" you're seeing, but a capital "B"--so don't let anyone say "Soße," it's pronounced "Sohbie"! By the way, "SoBe" stands for "South Beach," which is the name of the beverage company based in the US state of Connecticut. They make extraordinary juices from fruits and vegetables, enriched with various herbs and exotic teas. I'm not a health fanatic, but in America, you probably become one sooner or later. All of their beverages are super delicious and currently a huge hit with kids and teenagers--Angelika discovered them during her photography classes at Berkeley Extension. By the way, I'm not recommending the sugar-free "SoBe Lean" variant here, but only the full version. I particularly like "SoBe Energy (Guarana, Yohimbe, Arginine)" and "SoBe Elixir (Cranberry, Grapefruit)." But actually, they're all good, each one better than the last! You can find more information on the web at https://www.sobebev.com. Only genuine with the two lizards on it! Additionally, the bottles have a pleasantly wide neck--I usually can't pour drinks from conventional bottles into my throat fast enough; you always have to let air bubble in, and that's annoying when time is money! The rim of the SoBe bottle is about three centimeters in diameter, which is exemplary.