English German

  Edition # 118  
San Francisco, 12-22-2016

Figure [1]: German-language series that fares better in America than in Germany: Germany 83.

Michael That we as Germans living in America suggest watching a German TV production may seem absurd to you, but the 8-part series "Germany 83" from 2015 is relatively unknown in Germany, yet has become very popular here in the US.

The fictional story revolves around an East German border guard during the mid-1980s of the Cold War, who infiltrates the West German army as a spy. While the spy is portrayed as likable, the handlers of the East German leadership and their Russian allies are depicted as malevolent and secretive, which some left-leaning artists in Germany may not appreciate, but this point of view is more common in America. The DVD features English subtitles while watching the German production for those who don't speak the language.

What really annoyed me about the series is the background music that's present in almost every scene, created by a German Hollywood wannabe on a home computer. He probably programs other things like phone ring tunes and elevator music. The producer should have been more careful and not just accept the whole meaningless electronic sound as a cheap package deal without considering its impact on the otherwise good film. But mistakes happen, live, learn, and move on!

The actors are all completely unknown but play astonishingly convincing, dare I say it, at an almost unfamiliar world class level, considering they're from Germany. Not comparable to the eternally old Tatort faces that can't even manage simple dialogues without embarassment and flesh crawling moments. The production of "Germany 83" is supposed to resume two years from now, they're planning on a second season under the title "Germany 86". I can't wait to watch the lead character again prevent total atomic war!

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