Angelika After we had held out for a whopping two years and nine months and had not infected ourselves with Corona, it finally caught up with us both in December 2022, despite two booster shots. Everyone thought that Corona was almost over. We were convinced that we would not get it anymore or maybe already had it without noticing. Then came the Christmas party with my colleagues. It took place in a restaurant, and two days later Michael complained of sore throat.
At first, there was hope that it was just a normal cold, because Michael's Corona test was still negative, but the next day the fever and the coughing came. And the two stripes on the test strip were could no longer to be denied! I still felt great and took care of the sick person in the household. Monday morning however, before work, I had to take a test to make sure I wasn't positive either, because I work at a school. In a good mood, I made myself coffee in the morning and then packed my lunch for school. Then I looked at my test and had to rub my eyes a bit, because two pink stripes were already shining at me after about three minutes.
So I was positive as well and therefore had to put my lunch back in the fridge, because I couldn't go to school anymore. Throughout the day, my condition worsened and the fever came. I have to say that I have been sick many times in my life, but Corona felt different. I had never had such sore throat pain before, which came on the third day. I was so out of it that I begged Michael to take me to the emergency room, and if you knows the state of ERs in the US, you'll understand that I was no longer in my right mind. Michael of course refused this, thankfully. Interestingly, I had no cough at all, while Michael fought from one coughing attack to the next. We were both really sick for five days and after two weeks everything was completely over. After about seven days, the Covid test was finally negative again and Christmas was saved.