12/08/2018   English German

  Edition # 127  
San Francisco, 12-08-2018

Figure [1]: The modern indoor antenna receives crystal-clear HDTV over the air.

Michael As is well known, I have long harbored a grudge against the cable monopolist Comcast, which dominates our region. We canceled our cable subscription at least ten years ago, and I have no intention of ever supporting that lousy company again.

Figure [2]: The Sling service provides channels that are not broadcast terrestrially.

For this reason, we are dealing with Third World internet through the phone cable (15mbit/1mbit), watching antenna television, and getting movies through HBONow (via internet), Netflix, and the TV service Sling. The latter costs $25 a month and brings channels like AMC (for series like "Walking Dead") or soccer games from the World Cup last year to the screen, of course, full of advertisements.

Figure [3]: The TiVo box records the programmed antenna television.

For antenna television, until recently, I had a huge antenna with a metal rake, which is actually meant to be mounted on the house roof, mounted behind the TV set. However, the reception was quite poor, and the digital recorder TiVo often only recorded half of Angelika's favorite show "Dancing with the Stars," which inevitably led to tension in the evening. Then, I recently saw this new flat antenna at the big supermarket Costco. After some trial and error, I simply stuck it high up on the wall with gaffer tape, and voilĂ , the digital signal from the local antenna channels came in flawlessly -- a huge improvement. Who would have thought that I would experience this in my old age!

Greetings from the now well-ventilated Bay Area:

Angelika and Michael

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