San Francisco, 10/30/2016   English German

  Edition # 117  
San Francisco, 10/30/2016

Figure [1]: An excellent Japanese restaurant in Las Vegas.

AngelikaAs you know, we are great fans of Japanese cuisine. I personally could eat sushi or other Japanese delicacies every single day, to the point where Michael readily complains: "Sushi, again?!" Now, we are somewhat spoiled with an abundance of sushi or Japanese homecooking available in San Francisco, and restaurants in Las Vegas are hopelessly overpriced. This is why we're often drawn to off-strip locations during our yearly visit, as these restaurants in different Las Vegas neighborhoods offer better food quality for the price.

Michael's colleague at work had been raving about a Japanese place called Raku, located in an undescript mall on Spring Mountain Road in the Spring Valley neighborhood. We had to try it out and took a Lyft cab for the 10 minute ride. Raku offers an excellent variety of delicacies, mainly scewers from a wood-fired grill (yakitori), sashimi, but also home made tofu. We had grilled pork cheek scewers, raw kobe beef liver, a poached egg with Uni (sea urchin), and ikura (salmon roe). Raku isn't exactly cheap either, but the amazing quality of all dishes served was well worth every penny. It's still mouth watering when I'm thinking about it now.

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