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  Edition # 102  
San Francisco, 07-14-2013

Figure [1]: Simple, but very handy: The reading pyramid for the E-book Reader

Michael If you like reading on your iPad while sitting in your favorite recliner or lying in bed, you're familiar with how heavy the device gets all of a sudden. Wham-bam, and you're snoozing off, but you really wanted to keep reading! To combat this problem, I recently bought a pyramid-shaped pillow named Peeramid from Amazon, after getting curious by the raving reviews the item had received. It sits on your lap or on the blanket and keeps the iPad upright at an angle for reading without having to hold it upright.

Figure [2]: Michael with his iPad in the reclining chair.

This device is the best innovation since sliced bread! It looks pretty funny, like a diploma hat with a tassel attached to it at the end of a 2-foot rope. Its velvet cover is pleasant to the touch, and it holds the iPad securely in place, even when I'm so tired that I'm about to doze off. If it's lying somewhere near, just grab the tassel and pull it towards you. It's about $25 on Amazon.com, which is an outragious amount of money for an item that's probably been made for not more than $5 in China, but it's really nicely sewn and the high-quality cover will even satisfy demanding customers. And it's well-known that I have no problem paying a premium for quirky new products. Top product!

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